Workflow Processes
Start your path to full compliance today.
Our process continues to improve with our experience.
Success Is A Learning Process
At BNF Technologies, we embrace the continued improvement of our services and procedures. Records management is the type of system that benefits from innovative solutions fed into a repetitive process. Repetition is not a negative thing when it comes to things like remaining compliant with regulations and meeting retention schedules. We are proud of our repeated success with more than 35 federal agencies that we have worked with in the past.
Over the past 26 years, we have developed a proprietary records management workflow process. This template influences every service we provide in the effort to optimize the functions of your paper and electronic documents. The workflow process template defines our strategies from the top down and gives all of our employees a defined path to follow when facing any hurdles in the project management.
Our workflow process dictates our approach to your agency.
Then, we craft solutions to your particular challenges.
Our Services Work Best Together
The exact details of our workflow management process are something we prefer to keep in-house, but we can say that our process will be flexible enough to fit the needs of your agency. At BNF, we learned early on that the best solutions are tailored to the issues facing each particular agency.
In broad terms, we approach every agency with the same process and an open-mind for the strategies that will be best for the hurdles they need to overcome. Our workflow diagram is like a map for our services, the way they all work together, and the way they inform each other.
- Agency assessments tell us where you currently are standing with federal requirements and organization.
- Records inventories let us know your volume of records.
- Agency analysis helps up pinpoint your weak points and the proper solutions for your issues.
- Document management is one way we begin organizing your records
- ECM systems assessment and Database management enable us to advance your operations and offer you new records management options.
All of our services are structured around providing your agency with the best tools and options for success. We assess your situation, examine your issues, compile relevant regulatory data, deliver our strategy to you, and implement our process to start you down a better road for the future.
Our Stories of Success
Our workflow processes have benefitted every agency that we have worked with through reduced inventory holdings, boosted morale, and eliminated business inefficiencies. Check out some of our success stories.
- For the General Services Administration, we reviewed and reduced records holdings through a process of disposition, transfers and scanning, office relocation, required records now at desktop access.
- For Access Board, BNF aided the agency in selecting and deploying a certified records management administration system. This allowed for enterprise-wide standardized processes in business and workflow. We also designed new records management policies and procedures.
- With USAID, BNF reduced records holding agency-wide by 46%. Our efforts enabled 100 separate offices to consolidate in one building before establishing a classified records center.
- For more than 12 agencies, we provided specified training for their workflow process improvement records. These efforts eliminated costly delays, reduced confusion, waste, and saved them time on resource allocation.
Our workflow system is an adaptive process that we bring to every high-level agency that BNF partners with. Our personnel and strategies will get your work flowing in the right direction with your records back on the right track towards regulatory compliance and set on the appropriate retention schedule.
Request a Consultation
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our certified experts. Give us a call or visit our office in Arlington.